4th International Conference
on Industrial Applications
of Adhesives 2026

Pousada Mosteiro Guimarães, Portugal
5-6 March 2026

IAA 2026

Welcome to the web site of the 4th International Conference on Industrial Applications of Adhesives 2026. The 4th International Conference on Industrial Applications of Adhesives 2026 will take place in Pousada Mosteiro Guimarães (Portugal) 5-6 March 2026.

This conference is held every two years. The conference is chaired by Lucas F. M. da Silva and co-chaired by R. D. Adams (University of Oxford, UK), Chiaki Sato (Tokyo Institute of Technology) and Holger Fricke (Fraunhofer IFAM, Germany). The focus is on applications of adhesive bonding in the industry such as automotive, aeronautic, railway, marine, energy, electronics, etc. The idea is to bring together the adhesive makers and the adhesive users to exchange experiences and facilitate potential synergies and partnerships.

Deadline for Submission of Abstracts
31 October 2025

Notification of Acceptance to Authors
14 November 2025

Early bird registration
5 December 2025

Submission of full length papers

(not compulsory to submit a full length paper)
5 March 2026

Call for Papers
Abstract template
Abstracts should be sent electronically to Lucas F M da Silva at lucas@fe.up.pt. Indicate in the email if you want oral or poster presentation.

Registration form


To register for the Conference, please fill in the electronic registration form. Each participant, including authors, is expected to pay the corresponding registration fee.

Early bird (until 5th December 2025) - 850 EUR
Online - Videoconference - 450 EUR

Standard (from 6th December 2025) - 1050 EUR
Online - Videoconference - 550 EUR

The conference fee includes the book of abstracts, lunches, conference dinner, coffee-breaks and reception first day.

Cancellation Policy
In case of cancellation, a written notification should be sent to the conference chairman. If it is received prior to January 10th, 2026, registration fees will be refunded with a deduction of €75. No refund can be made after January 10th, 2026.

Payment of Conference Fee
Payments are accepted by bank transfer or credit card.

Ms. Lurdes Catalino
Viagens Abreu, S.A.

tel.: +351 222 043 573
fax: +351 222 043 693


Lucas F M da Silva
Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Portugal

Robert D Adams
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Bristol, UK

Chiaki Sato
Materials and Structures Laboratory (MSL), Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

Holger Fricke
Fraunhofer IFAM, Germany

Klaus Dilger
Technische Universität Braunschweig, Institut für Füge- und Schweißtechnik, Germany

International Scientific Committee
Alireza Akhavan (INEGI, Portugal)
Andreas Lutz (Dupont, Switzerland)
Anne Dussaud (Momentive, USA)
Arunjunai Raj Mahendran (Wood KPlus, Austria)
Cristina Frutuoso (Colquímica, Portugal)
David Ruch (Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Luxembourg)
Eduardo Marques (University of Porto, Portugal)
Ejiri Kazuhiro (Zeon, Japan)
Ewen Kellar (The Welding Institute, UK)
Francisca Arán-Ais (INESCOP Innovation and Technology Centre, Spain)
Frida Gilbert (Arcelor Mittal, France)
Jana Hrachova (SABIC, Netherlands)
Jean-Philippe Court (Cold Pad, France)
Jens Kosmann (DLR, Germany)
Jun Que (Sika, Switzerland)
Kimiyoshi Naito (NIMS, Japan)
Koji Kamiyama (MitsubishiElectric, Japan)
Łukasz Sadowski (Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland)
Maxime Olive (Rescoll, France)
Milan Šernek (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Nao Terasaki (AIST, Japan)
Nicolas Cuvillier (SAFRAN, France)
Patrick Stihler (Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany)
Philipp Weißgraeber (University of Rostock, Germany)
Ricardo Carbas (INEGI, Portugal)
Romain Créac'hcadec (ENSTA, France)
Stefan Böhm (University of Kassel, Germany)
Ryo Ogawa (Adeka, Japan)
Sabine Wenig (Sika, Switzerland)
Stephen Howe (Sunstar, USA)
Stefan Kreling (Airbus, Germany)
Yusuke Takahashi (Kobe Steel, Japan)
Zixuan Niu (NIO, China)


Conference proceedings with the accepted abstracts will be available at the registration.

Full papers will be published in special issues of The Journal of Adhesion (Taylor & Francis), Discover Mechanical Engineering (Springer) and in a book of the book series Proceedings in Engineering Mechanics - Research, Technology and Education (SPRINGER) (provided they meet the quality standards).

The full papers should be sent to lucas@fe.up.pt before the 5th of March 2026. The text should be in single column format and double line spacing.


Soon available


The poster size must be maximum A0 (841 mm x 1189 mm) in portrait (see sample image). The text and illustrations should be readable from a distance of two meters. Tacks and technical equipment for the hanging of posters will be available. Please check the conference final program for the poster board number assigned to you. Your poster should be displayed as per the number in the program.

Venue and Hotels

Conference venue: Pousada Mosteiro Guimarães
Pousada Mosteiro Guimarães is a Small Luxury Hotels located in the city of Guimarães, in an ancient 12th century Augustinian Monastery with fantastic views of the city. It is a short distance from the historic city of Guimarães, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The Pousada offers excellent facilities for high quality scientific interactions. It is just 45 minutes from Porto's international airport.

Please consult the list of hotels with special rates. To benefit from this, please access the registration area using online facilities.
For further information about travel and hotels, please contact:
Ms. Lurdes Catalino
Agência Abreu, S.A.

tel.: +351 222 043 573
fax: +351 222 043 693


The best oral presentation will be awarded with a certificate and 1000 euros.
The best poster presentation will be awarded with a certificate and 500 euros.

IAA2024 Award Winners

Best poster presentation:

Beatriz D Simões (INEGI, Portugal)
The use of adhesive bonding technology in the conservation and restoration of a faience basin

Best oral presentation:

Shin Horiuchi (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan)
Failure of adhesive bonding unveiled by in-situ strain testing in high-resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy

IAA2022 Award Winners

Best poster presentation:

Fabiano Indicatti (Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany)
Stencil printing of adhesive-based fuel cell sealings: the influence of the stencil mesh on the separation step

Best oral presentation:

Daniel Correia (INEGI, Portugal)
Preliminary design of an experimental tool for direct generation of cohesive zone law data of structural adhesives

IAA2020 Award Winners

Best poster presentation:

Shintaro Yamamoto (Kobe Steel, Japan)
Hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (HAXPES) analysis of the interface bonding between aluminium alloy and epoxy adhesive

Best oral presentation:

Yusuke Takahashi (Kobe Steel, Japan)
Silane-based pre-treatment of aluminium alloy for durable adhesive joining


Organizations represented